We are implementing ax 2012 r3 project. We also decide to install GST for a partner company located in India. We are just thinking about gst installation on India.
Should we install the India gst update 2 first or should we install the r3 cu 13 version first?
What should be the order of installation?
What we have done so far is:
First Installed R3
Then installed GST Update 2 release and merge the code
then installed r3 cu 13 version
then installed november release after cu 13 version
then import the cus model of our developments.
Why I am asking this is, we face different situation on forecast scheduling.
When we run forecast scheduling it does not consider many items, do not explodes so many boms.
On the other hand, we export classes beginning with req* from a fresh r3 cu13 environment. Then import it with cus model. Then the forecast scheduling worked fine.
Then we have two options, one is india localizaition has issues on mrp run. The second is we installed the environment wrong order.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Ps:We also tried without installing the november 2018 release. The same error occured.
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