Hello. Brand new to this community, and I am hoping this is not the wrong forum to ask my question...
I am trying to find a way to control a view through a prompt. For example:
Let's say I want a view of all orders between 2 dates. I can easily set up a view that shows me that, but the the only way I can find to define the dates is to set up a filter with 2 hard coded dates. Or I have a view without date limits, but then I have to massage the view later to enter the dates. I would prefer to call up the view, and it prompts me enter 2 dates, then runs the filter with those dates and presents the view. Is that possible:
Related question: Is it possible to have a filter that looks for a value or string in ALL fields of, say, all orders, including free-form fields? This would be handy if I have for example multiple comment fields, and a specific search token could be in any of those.