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Visitor anonymous status Anonymous, although contact is known in the system

Posted on by 25


I have the following question: 

I have set up a website tracking script for an external website and of course there is also tracking on my Registration Marketing Page, where a standard marketing form for contact capture is included. 

1:When visitors sign up and leaves their contact details, they are tracked as Anonymous: No Contact Name and Visitor anonymous status = Anonymous. 

On the Insights tab I see the following:


So far so good.

2:Then they get a an Email confirming their Subscription. The contact confirms by clicking the link.

3:On the next visit to the external Page, or the subscription page, the contact  still get tracked as Visitor anonymous status = Anonymous, although the contact name is already shown. 


Why is the Visitor anonymous Status not changed to Named ?

Thanks in advance 

  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,056 on at
    RE: Visitor anonymous status Anonymous, although contact is known in the system


    If this problem continues to bother you, it is recommended to create a ticket to MS for more help.


    Best Regards,


  • RE: Visitor anonymous status Anonymous, although contact is known in the system

    Hi for me the logic when the Visitor anonymous Status is "Named" or  "Anonymous"  when the Contact Name is already given, is not yet clear to me. Also not after reading through the related article.  Does it correlate with a page being  accessed via a Customer Journey or on its own? 

    Has someone maybe a more concise explanation for that ? :) 

    Best Regards

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,056 on at
    RE: Visitor anonymous status Anonymous, although contact is known in the system

    Hi Alexander,

    Please refer to the following issue, which is similar to your problem and has relatively detailed answers.

    Track Contact name for page visit in Dynamics 365 Marketing - Microsoft Dynamics CRM Forum Community Forum


    If this helped you, I'd appreciate it if you'd mark this as a Verified Answer, which may in turn help others as well.

    Best Regards,


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