How to fix this eConnect error?
Error Number = 7381 Stored Procedure= taBRBankDepositsHeader Error Description = Input variable contains a negative value
Node Identifier Parameters: taBRBankDepositsHeader
depositnumber = 409-000000142
<DEPDATE>2022-06-01 00:00:00.000</DEPDATE>
Does it mean that taBRBankDepositsHeader does not allow negative depAmt? is there any workaround to pass negative deposit Amount?
Here is the logic in the taBRBankDepositHeader that determines if Error Number 7381 should be returned:
/********************* check for negative amounts that are invalid *********************/
if ( (@I_vDepAmt < 0) or
(@I_vCheckTotal < 0) or
(@I_vCheckCount < 0) or
(@I_vCreditCardTotal < 0) or
(@I_vCreditCardCount < 0) or
(@I_vCurrencyAmount < 0) or
(@I_vCurrencyCount < 0) or
(@I_vCoinAmount < 0) or
(@I_vXCHGRATE < 0) or
(@I_vRATEVARC < 0) or
(@I_vPRVDSLMT < 0) or
(@I_vDATELMTS < 0) or
(@I_vRequesterTrx < 0))
select @O_iErrorState = 7381 /* Input variable contains a negative value */ /*CHEKBKID depositnumber*/
These are all input parameters and none of them will default to a negative value. You will want to look at your call to this stored procedure to see if any of the above parameters being passed with a negative value?
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