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Data is not populating in Views

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Hi Friends,
I have a view named PMIPMyAdjustmentRequestsView which has a query attached to it.The query has only one datasource named PMIPAdjustmentRequest.
During record creation from a form named (PMIPAdjustmentRequest) populates the data in PMIPAdjustmentRequest table but it is not populating the record in the view PMIPMyAdjustmentRequestsView.The strange part is the that , record is created in the view in my my local VM environment but it is causing an issue in build environment i.e the record is not created in the view PMIPMyAdjustmentRequestsView.Can you please help me on this issue.I have tried to sync the view,table and the query but it has not solved the issue.
Thank you
  • Suggested answer
    Bharani Preetham Peraka Profile Picture
    Bharani Preetham Pe... 3,587 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    Data is not populating in Views
    Seems to be a custom query/view. In that case, it can happen the query which is developed might have an issue or else the object which is checked in hasn't been checked-in in a right way. So, you need to check the query and check if it is returning data and you need to check the object history.
  • BADRI NARAYANAN G Profile Picture
    BADRI NARAYANAN G 167 on at
    Data is not populating in Views
    Hi Martin,thanks for your response.
    Yes I agree this question and other questions i posted previously are related to D365 Finance forum.I will post future questions related to F/O in this forum(D365 Finance forum).

    Thank you
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,848 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Data is not populating in Views
    If it's F&O, not that views don't store any records; they just show a result of a query. Therefore when you say "the record is not created in the view", you actually mean "my query does not return this record". You either have a correct data, and there is a bug in the query, or the reason why the query doesn't return it is caused by a data issue. You'll need to look at filter (and usually joins, but you said you have none) used by the query/view and compare it with the data of the record. You may also look into database to see SQL code used by the view. Taking the query and testing some adjustments is often a useful technique.
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,848 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Data is not populating in Views
    Moved from D365 general forum to D365 Finance forum, because it's clearly a question about a particular product (not about D365 in general) and your other questions are about F&O. Please let me know if you disagree.

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