I have created a new new design for ProdRouteCard report.
I have created a new container field "SetupCheckList"in ProdParmRelease table and then added a new button to open the print destination settings dialog from the form.
When user selects the file option from print destination setttings and provide the file path for pdf file to be saved on the desktop and then run the report, report gets saved to the AOS server desktop instead of user desktop location.
Report got saved to local desktop once then continued being saved on AOS server dektop after that.
Is there any other change need to made or am I missing something?
thanks in Advance.
Below are the changes made to some objects.
Click event of the button
SRSPrintDestinationSettings printJobSettings;
printJobSettings = new SRSPrintDestinationSettings(prodParmRelease.SetupCheckList);
prodParmRelease.SetupCheckList= printJobSettings.pack();
dataContract.parmPrintSettings(new SRSPrintDestinationSettings(prodParmRelease.SetupCheckList));
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