Hello Community,
I hope anyone can help me understand:
In a Dynamcis NAV 2013R2 database, there was detected some sort of an error where all the documents get one dimension value from the very beginning, and if the user deletes it, it remains assingned to the document.
We found that there were a line in table 480 - Dimension Set Entry, which involves a Value 0. I understand that is the cause of the behavior, means that ell the documents, while they have not assigned a proper Dimension, has the value 0 in this field (Dimension Set Id).
In some tests, I tried to create this line in other database, manually, and the system is not allowing me to do this even with developer license. I had to create it via SQL.
So, I want to understand how is it possible to this record (Dimension Set Entry with DS Id = 0) to be created from another process. Might it be caused for some other process aleatory on the system?
Thank you in advance.
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