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Finance | Project Operations, Human Resources, ...

Where from can discount percentage come to the sales order lines?

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We have several cases when a discount percentage on the sales order lines is not what it is expected to be.

We have certain discount percentage set up on the Customer master data in the "Line discount field" (CustTable.LineDisc).

So, when Sales order was created this discount group was copied from the Customer master data.

On the item level there is no specific discount set up.

But in the sales order lines we have a different discount. The database log is not active for sales order lines, so we can not check if it could have been done manually.

What is weird is that there are a lot of sales orders like this, so presumably it was not done manually by users.

My question is, where from can another discount appear on the sales order lines?

  • qianwang Profile Picture
    qianwang 7,153 on at
    RE: Where from can discount percentage come to the sales order lines?

    Hi Elenko,

    Addition, if line discount agreement is applied and both discount percentage 1 and discount percentage 2 are filled in, the discount percentage calculation will be different.




  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,516 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Where from can discount percentage come to the sales order lines?

    Hi Elenko,

    Can you provide some examples about the differences? Is the discount higher or lower? Is it for all lines or just some items?

  • Guy Terry Profile Picture
    Guy Terry 28,684 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Where from can discount percentage come to the sales order lines?

    Hi Elenko,

    If you are routinely posting Sales order confirmations, AX will take a snapshot of the Sales order line at the time the Confirmation is posted. This might help, but of course if the Line discount was changed manually before the Confirmation was posted, it won't!

    Is it possible that the Customer line discount % was changed after the sales orders were created?

    The only time a Line discount set on the Customer is overridden is if there is a Line discount trade agreement for that Customer. For example, if you created the two Line discount trade agreement lines in the screenshot below, and assigned the 10% Line discount group to Customer US-004, the Customer would get the 20% Discount, because a trade agreement line defined at the Customer level takes priority over the trade agreement line defined at the group level.


    Finally, if you have Call center functionalty enabled, its possible that a discount defined in the Retail module might override a Trade agreement discount.

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