Hi all
I need to retrieve data from principalobjectaccess (POA) table, but the dataverse connector dont recognize the name of the hide table.
in most post that I've read, I find that I should use the CDS connector and CDS (current environment) connector, but I'm not able to find them in my list of connector .... maybe I mistake something with translation in italian??? ....
I'm working with dataverse db on Dynamics 365 sales.
Thanks for any help or suggestion.
Attached the steps to obtain the users from table POA (hoping that can be usefull)
thanks a33ik
Hi a33ik and thank you for reply.
now all it's working ... the error was in the name of table:
"principalobjectaccess" instead of "principalobjectattributeaccess"
thanx for your patience.
Try to use the following FetchXml filter instead:
8 corresponds to systemuser table.You can check this as a list of object type codes for OOB entities -
Hi Bipin Kumar
as i've said, I'm new in D365, please can indicate some example or something for dummies?
thanks in advance
How about invoking below oob action from power automate
See below link on how to perform bound and unbound action
thanks a lot a33ik ,
how you have understood for sure, I'm new in D365Sales ...... my need is "retrive all the user whom the opportunity is shared to send them a mail".
There is the possibility to have a complete example for dummies or have a link with a step by step guide... or something similar?
Thanks for your courtesy and your patience.
I need 2 condition in your xml similar like this, but it give me always an error on the 2nd condition:
<link-entity name="principalobjectattributeaccess" from="principalid" to="systemuserid">
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="objectid" operator="eq" value="bd9d5e13-0ec5-4da3-8a43-3e771f05b27a" />
<condition attribute="principaltypecode" operator="eq" value="systemuser" />
Hi @Ramprakash Duraisamy
I dont want manage data in table POA, I want retrive all the user whom the opportunity is shared to send them a mail
May i know why you want to Retrieve POA Table ?
Please make sure when ever you are trying to Remove Values from POA Table it will break the Relationship with Table and It will remove Existing Share and Assign Access.
Its not Recommend to the update manually.
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I remember your previous question so I will reply using info that you provided before. PrincipalObjectAccess table is not directly queryable but you can use it in links. Here is the query that you can use to query users with who record is shared with:
Here is how you can use that fetchxml query in Power Automate:
Obviously, you will have to replace '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' with the Id of the record.
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