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Display Price List Item price

Posted on by 380
Hi All, i'm having problems resolving the following request: We have a three price lists, each price list represent a Loyalty Tier, inside of each Tier (Price list) we have some services that we offer to the customer). Based on the price list, each price list item can have a different value. I want to be able to display the Price List Item amount when someone selects a product from that price list.
As you can see bellow, this product can be offer in all three tiers (price lists), in each tier it has a different value.
I'm looking for a way to display this amount inside my customer entity Loyalty Products. This way the employee will know what is the limit for this service (kind of voucher amount)
I've tries using Quick View form, but i don't have the option to select Price List Items as related entity.
I've also tried using a real-time workflow to update a currency field, but i'm also not able to access the Price List item entity.
Any help on this?
  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Display Price List Item price
    Hi Partner,
    Are you using classic designer to customize it?
    It seems that it's by-design, we can't add sub-grid related to price list item in the form of product.
    Try to add it in the Unified Interface Form Designer.
    --Go to Power Apps:
    --Tables > product > Form.
  • Radoslavov Profile Picture
    Radoslavov 380 on at
    Display Price List Item price
    Hi Ju, neither one of this suggestions work, because i cannot access Price list items entity.
    I don't see option in the subgrid of the product quick view form to select price list items 
    In the !:N relationship i don't have the option to select Price List Items entity either
    As i mention, the Price List entity is not accessible from anywhere, 
  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Display Price List Item price
    Hi Partner,
    Based on your screenshot:
    The 'Loyalty Products' has N:1 relationship with 'Product' entity and 'Price List' entity.
    There is no N:1 relationship between it and 'Price List Item' entity.
    So you can't find  Price List Items as related entity when you use quick view form and can't access it in workflow.
    The 'Price List Item' entity has N:1 relationship with Product and Price List:
    Two ways:
    1.Build new 1:N relationship between  'Loyalty Products' and 'Price List Item'.
    2.In the quick view form of Product/Price List, Add one sub-grid related to 'Price List Item'

    I hope you can mark my answer verified if it is helpful! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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