I made an event in Dynamics called ‘190321 – Test event marcom. The goal of this test was to see if all elements of our events are working correctly (events – segments – e-mails - customer journey - forms)
Our segment consists of the following settings:
We have 3 e-mails: a confirmation email, a reminder email and a thank you email.
Customer journey looked like this and consists of the following settings:
So I hosted a form and let a few of my co-workers register for this test event. What I noticed is that I received every mail correctly. Everything worked as it should (links, teams) except my co-worker Yara, who did only receive one email: specifically the thank you email, but what I noticed is that all links are working but the variable event name is wrong, in her emailname is called ‘documentenbeheer’ which is another event that we are hosting that she was registered on before. But that was in the past.
To wrap up:
What can I do to identify the problem and fix this?
There is nothing wrong with your understanding. There could only one event be the originating event and this field doesn't change.
There is no existing variable to express this 'event name' and 'event date' which you need directly.
As we know, originating events are only one for contacts.
However, event is not the same for contact.
A contact can attend more than one event, and more than one contact will attend an event. This dictates a many-to-many relationship between the Contact entity and the Event entity.
So you can't target a specific event at a specific contact in an email.
Of course you can also create a custom field for the Contact entity, like Latest Event. Update this field whenever you register a new event with a contact, so that you can use it in your emails to express Event Name etc.
But you have to make sure that when you use this dynamic content, there are no parallel events with it. For example, if a contact first registers for Event A and subsequently registers for Event B and this field is updated to Event B, then you won't be able to express Event A in the email with dynamic content.
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Best Regards,
Thanks for this comprehensive answer. So if I understand correctly there could only one event be the originating event and this field doesn't change?
Is there any other variabele which I can use that uses the variable 'event name' and 'event date' that is based on the event where the registrant submitted the form for?
Let's break down these questions and answer them one by one.
It filters out all the contacts who submitted the form “Event Registratie” and have a registration in the event “190321-Test event Marcom” no matter whether the contact is already existing or is created through the submission of this form.
The event name in the email is set with the dynamic content:
The Contact entity has an N: 1 relationship with the Event entity in a Lookup field called “msevtmgt_originatingeventid”.
The field can be found in the Details of the Contact form.
It means that a contact can have only one Originating event.
What’s more, the field is not filled in manually when a contact is created. Only contacts created by submitting an event registration form will have this field automatically populated.
Contacts submitting the form are uniquely identified by First Name, Last Name and Email.
That's why your colleague Yara's event name is displayed incorrectly.
She has registered the event 'documentenbeheer' with her own information submitted, so the Originating event in her contact information is 'documentenbeheer'.
Although I can't tell which of your three emails are Thank You Emails, I found that two of them have Event Name as Dynamic Content in the subject, and I think the one that doesn't contain it is the Thank You Email that Yara received.
Please check if Yara has received emails with 'documentenbeheer' in the Subject.
If it is not received, you can check the email in Customer Journey, find the Delivery funnel on the right hand side and see if it has been delivered.
Or go to the insights tab of a specific Marketing Email to see if there is a block or fail and the specific categories of reasons.
If this helped you, I'd appreciate it if you'd mark this as a Verified Answer, which may in turn help others as well.
Best Regards,
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
Most Valuable Professional