We're migration data from our AX 2012 R3 CU13 to Dynamics 365 Finance. When exporting fixed assets, we're not getting the default dimensions to the staging table. We've gone through the entity mapping and tried different settings there, but nothing seems to work. If we add the dimension values for a fixed asset manually in DMFAssetEntity.DefaultDimensionStr they are added to the export file
We've also tried to create a new entity class, but still the same result. We've both thried to "Generate mapping" and "Refresh diagram", still the same result.
When migrating to AX from our legacy system, there was an issue getting the default dimensions imported, so our implementation partner at that time added the method 'generateDefaultDimensions' to the DMFAssetEntityClass.
The import works perfectly well, now the issue is getting the dimension values to the staging table that is the issue. Has anyone encountered the same issue and could help us on the way? Thanks!
I was trying to add som screenshots of the different configuration we've tried, but there's some error when saving the images.