Hello Forum,
My question is about the salescube in AX 2012 R3.
We have 2 different clients and im using in both the same perspective called Salescube:
Client 1: (Salescube01 is just a copy of the standard AX perspective Salescube)
Client 2:
I have made in both cubes only one modification adding in CustTableCube value the field Customer Classification Group as shown below:
In both views has been made the same modification.
The problem is that I try to aggregate the measures by two attributes: The new field Cust classification group added in the CustTableCube and also the Category name of the RetailCategoryExpanded (default as it exists in the cube without any modification made)
And the results is that in one of the customers it aggregates the measures as it should Client 1 and in the other one it doesn’t Client 2.
Below some screenshots from Visual studio
Client 1
Client 2:
Both clients use the same way the categories.
So if anyone can help me out how can I see where the big differences come from? How can I see the solution for the cubes?
Thanks a lot.