Hi all
I am wondering if there is another way using custom codes in D365 Marketing? Here is my conditional. I would like to send an email to a group in English, and the other group in another Languages. But instead of using the custom code, like in the picture I would like to add this conditional in the text box in the email.
Send this text to a group in english
Can I add the code directly in the HTML, and how would that look like?
And also I would like to add a field from a related entity, not using custom code.
Is this possible?
Thanks for your reply. Yes it was connection I was thinking about. But it seems to not work.
Hi Camilla,
Do you mean "Connect" function?
Even if we connect contact with 3rd entity, the 3rd entity is still a lookup field record of Connection entity.
We should still add custom fields to save fields of the 3rd entity.
Abbie is connected to Viktor Mao,
but Abbie is still a lookup field value of related Connection entity.
Hi again Clofly
I am wondering if you think it could be possible to use connection in CRM to create functional relationships in CRM?
When we have a 3rd entity that I want to merge a field from, could we then connect this entity to an marketing email, so that we will get the relationship with the connection funtionalty?
Kind Regards
Hi Camilla,
Is "merging a date field" still related with custom codes in marketing email?
If not, please open a new thread with more details about your problem or any screenshot if possible.
I will answer you in that new thread.
Thanks. :)
So the only workaround as per now is a plugin or a workflow that takes the data from "boligobject" to Contact or to "boligsøknad"
I know it works in Click Dimension.
Another thing..
when merging a date field
How am I manished to not showing the time?
Ex. 22.04.2020. 12.00
In the fieldtype I have only the date..
Kind Regards
Hi Camilla,
We couldn't jump over Boligsoknad if there isn't relationship between Contact <-> Boligobjekt.
If there is direct relationship (1:N or N:1) between Contact <-> Boligobjekt, then we could link them together.
(But in this situation, it could not be said as "jump over")
Is it possible to jump over a entity?
I want to merge a field from a 3 entity.
Boligobjekt - Field
If I don`t add Boligsoknad, and add directly boligobject, would that work?
{{#each contact.new_boligobjekter_new_boligsoknad_new_boligobjektid}}
Hi Camilla,
It seems that the relationship in your sample is contact -> new_boligsoknad -> new_boligobjekter?
You could add custom fields to Contact entity or directly related entity of Contact to save fields value of far related entity.
By workflow or plug-in to sync data from the far related entity.
So this is not supported..
PROFILE(contact, contact_1)
.RELATE(new_boligsoknad_contact_new_kontaktid, new_boligsoknad_1, RELATE(new_boligobjekter_new_boligsoknad_new_boligobjektid, new_boligobjekter_1))
That`s bad :(
But you mean with a workaround I am able to to this?
Currently we could add only one related entity.
Or in other word, only one relationship is supported in dynamic expression.
You could take thread below as reference:
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