Hi all,
After the upgrade of RSAT tool to a newer version I had to re-generate the Test Execution files for my RSAT test cases.
Some of my Excel parameter files contain formulas to generate unique values that will be used as input to D365.
Most of the test execution files were generated OK, but I have a couple of cases where generation fails with following exception:
System.Exception: <formula>formula failed processing
at Microsoft.Dynamics.RegressionSuite.PowerFx.PowerFxService.ProcessNamedCellReference(String variableName, String variableValue, String valueBeforeProcessing, Boolean isFirstLoad, String format, Boolean enableCustomExcelFormatting)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.RegressionSuite.PowerFx.PowerFxService.EvaluateWithEngine(String variableName, String variableValue, String format, Boolean enableCustomExcelFormatting, Boolean isFirstLoad)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.RegressionSuite.PowerFx.PowerFxService.RunTestSteps(String xmlPath)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.RegressionSuite.CodeGeneratorHelper.ProcessXml(TestCaseModel testCase, String outputPath, String companyName, Boolean generateOnlyTestExecution, Boolean migrateUserParameters, Boolean isCreateDerivedAction)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.RegressionSuite.WpfApp.Services.AttachmentGenerator.<>c__DisplayClass20_1.<<GenerateParentWithDerivedTests>b__1>d.MoveNext()
A couple of examples for the Excel formulas in qestion are below:
= /ST25/ & WEEKNUM(TODAY()) & /-A1225/
output is shown OK in excel file itself as /ST2510-A1225/
= /A25-/ & TEXT(NOW(), /hh:mm/) &/ / & TEXT(TODAY()+365, /dd.mm.yyyy/)
output is shown OK in excel file itself as /A25-17:02 07.03.2025/
This approach worked perfectly in the previous version but fails now. I did check list of supported PowerFx formulas and examples of their usage but still cannot identify the way how to fix the issue.
Would be really grateful if somebody can help me out with this :)