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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

DIEF entity export, Steps to make Query versions match "query version does not match AOT version

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In MS DYnamics AX 2012, I am attempting to export entities to an azure entity store.  I have been successful with one table, but I think

I lack some basic knowledge with regard to the AOT and promoting changes.  I am working with the Customer entity. I made the ModifiedBy property = True

on the DMFCustomerEntity and custtable, and adding the field to the target query DMFCustomerTargetEntity (All done in dev env AOT)  I am unable to get the target query version matched up.  I have tried saving/compiling/generating an incramental cil, and Synchronizing each object.  I even restarted the AOS .. Still, I have :

Entity query version '193' is not matching with AOT version '197' and when I look at the query, it has Version 197 in the Dev environment

What would be the standard steps to make the target entities screen/DMF get the correct version?

Any help is greatly appreciated


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  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,575 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: DIEF entity export, Steps to make Query versions match "query version does not match AOT version

    You could see if you can delete the historical runs (processing groups). If not, then try to find the table which holds the query version number and change it to match the AOT version number.

  • RE: DIEF entity export, Steps to make Query versions match "query version does not match AOT version

    Hi Andre,  It seems I still have something out of order.  I have another entity ( Product ) that I cannot delete because other processing groups are using it.  So, If I hit CTRL-D from the target entities form and open a dev env. , modify an entity and it's query (just to set the modified by property)  Then do I :  1. compile the object 2. Save the object then, should I either or both - generate incremental CIL , and synchronize ?    I am doing all of these things and then regenerating the mapping - and it still shows an IOT-Query mismatch on version.  I must be missing some step.   Would restarting IOS do it?  Sorry,  I just can't figure out how to get changes accross without deleting the entity.

    Thanks, and let me know if this should be a new question.

  • Verified answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,575 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: DIEF entity export, Steps to make Query versions match "query version does not match AOT version

    Yes, you can delete the row and recreate the entity. Some fields will be automatically populated if you choose a certain entity.

  • RE: DIEF entity export, Steps to make Query versions match "query version does not match AOT version

    Hopefully the last question on this;  I thought that when I read "delete the target entity" it meant regenerate mapping...

    Would the steps to do that be:  Delete the row in the target entities table and retype in each field ?

    Help is greatly appreciated Andre!  Thanks.

  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,575 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: DIEF entity export, Steps to make Query versions match "query version does not match AOT version

    Hi Lew,

    You can also try to delete the target entity and create the record from scratch. It had been a while ago since I last had this issue myself. There is a check on a certain field contents in relation with the query version in the AOT. I know that some persons just updated the field contents, but that will skip the check if new fields needs to be added in the field mappings.

  • RE: DIEF entity export, Steps to make Query versions match "query version does not match AOT version

    Hi Andre,

    Thanks for your reply,  I had followed the link you sent prior to posting this question.  I did not add that I also regenerated the mapping multiple times, receiving the message "do you want to regenerate from scratch?"  and selecting yes but still, when I try to validate, I get the message that the versions don't match.  Can you think of anything else I may have missed given that I do CTRL-D to open dev env,  verify changes, save each object, compile each object, generate incremental CIL, synchronize each object, then in the Target entities regenerate mapping?  It seems like I'm missing something or going in the wrong order.  Thanks so much for your input.

  • Verified answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,575 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: DIEF entity export, Steps to make Query versions match "query version does not match AOT version

    Hi Lew,

    You can regenerate the source to staging field mapping to get rid of this error. Also have a look at the following question:

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