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D365 FO integration development using custom service or Batch API

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Hi guys,
May I know what is the pattern or architecture when developing integration using custom service or Batch API ?
Being new to this integration project, what I want to know what need to prepare ? what need to be created especially in D365FO in order to have a fully-working integration with all their staging, error handling, logging etc. I'm sorry but those mentioned are just something out of my mind at the moment, since still blank about this.
Take example, for this kind of scenario:
1. A POS system will sending Order detail (with its item, qty, price, etc). The data send can be anytime from their system.
2. D365FO have to capture this, and later create SO, Delivery, and invoice.
Can some one give me some pointer of what needed to prepare, to develop including those error handling, logging etc. Probably the "big picture" first then breaking down into few details.
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 231,493 Most Valuable Professional on at
    D365 FO integration development using custom service or Batch API
    A message queue is a generic concept that can be implemented by many ways. There are indeed services in Azure you could use for this purpose, e.g. Service Bus queues or storage queues.
  • Voltes Profile Picture
    Voltes 592 on at
    D365 FO integration development using custom service or Batch API
    Hi Martin & Andre,
    Thanks for the input. If I would like to create a trial development about this API integration, Is there a sample project for this ? 
    If lets say I take the mentioned sample scenario, about direct web service calls from one system to the other like my example. what kind of message queue, I should develop ? Is this message queue refer to one of Azure features ?
    But anyway, back to my first enquiry, is there a sample project for this, so that I can start to try and expand from there. I tried to find if there is a good resource or someone blog, but cannot find one.
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 231,493 Most Valuable Professional on at
    D365 FO integration development using custom service or Batch API
    There is no universal solution. You need to consider what data you'll transfer, how much and how often, whether the systems can directly communicate at all, whether a response is needed, your requirements for reliability (lost messages), performance, load balancing, data transformation, security, monitoring etc.
    Regarding reliability, I often see designs where there is a direct web service calls from one system to the other, e.g. from PO to F&O in your example. I immediately ask people what should happen if the target system isn't reachable, e.g. because F&O is down for maintenance. Usually the solution requires some kind of message queue.
    Regarding monitoring, many Azure services (APIM, function apps...) can log events to Azure Monitor, you just need to tell them which instance you want to use. Therefore that's the easiest solution for data collection, but then you need to think about how to corelate and present and  the data, set up notifications etc.
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,575 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    D365 FO integration development using custom service or Batch API
    Hi Voltes,
    You mentioned an integration with a POS system. That is standard supported by Dynamics 365 Commerce. Dynamics 365 Commerce architecture overview - Commerce | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn
    Do you only need to integrate with a POS system or are there more integrations required?

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