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Finance | Project Operations, Human Resources, ...

Rounding Account's value changing from Functional Currency to Originating Currency

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Having an issue with the Rounding Account's amount getting stored in the wrong currency column (amount moved from Functional Currency into Originating Currency column) after a Posting an Invoice.  The resulting Journal Entry distributions end up out of balance, as well as the Posted Sales Distributions.

NOTE:  Manufacturing module part of Install.

Steps taken:

1. Created Invoice via the Sales Transaction Entry window.

2. Currency ID being used is Z-UK with Exchange Rate of 1.2353210.

3. Functional Currency is US$.

4. Entered six different Items, some with Markdown amounts, using Originating Currency (Z-UK) which results in a Functional Currency Rounding value of .01 (which is Valid).

5. Viewed the Sales Distribution window and can see the valid Rounding Account with an amount of $.01 in the Debit column and ,00 in the Originating Debit column (WHICH IS CORRECT).

6. Functional Currency Debit/Credit totals match.

7. Originating Currency Debit/Credit totals match.

8. Invoice gets Posted.

9. View the Rounding account inside the Sales Distribution Inquiry Zoom window and see that the Originating Debit amount now shows ,01 and the Functional Currency Debit amount shows .00 (should be the other way around).

10. Both Functional Totals and Originating Totals are now off by .01 and ,01.

What appears to be happening is that when posting the Rounding Account's amount is being moved from the Functional Currency column into the Originating Currency, putting both currency totals out of balance and preventing the associated Journal Entry from being posted (until we manually adjust the Rounding account's amount).

Any ideas of what might be causing this and how to prevent it?  Obviously, we can create a SQL Script to correct the records in the SOP10102 and GL10001 tables, but would like to avoid this if possible.


Michael J. Nola

  • Dean Marty Profile Picture
    Dean Marty on at
    RE: Rounding Account's value changing from Functional Currency to Originating Currency

    Hi Michael

    I am testing on a new version as even if we were to be able to recreate this on your version, it is nearly four years old.

    We'd need to be able to recreate it on the newest version we can, in order for us to look at this as a potential Quality Report ( bug ).

    I've done a number of additional tests here today, and am still unable to recreate what you are seeing.

    I had a rounding amount with just my 3 lines.  You are indicating we need 6 lines to recreate the situation.  It seems like this should be something that could be replicated with any number of lines, as long as we have the rounding difference.

    I will do some additional testing - I'll see if I can test on an older version - it's possible something was changed for some other reason, which resolves your issue.


  • mnola Profile Picture
    mnola 72 on at
    RE: Rounding Account's value changing from Functional Currency to Originating Currency

    Hi Dean,

               In answer to your question, you definitely need to enter in ALL lines, including those with Zero costs.  The other issue is that we are on:

    MS Dynamics GP 14.00.0983 (R2).

    Manufacturing:  14.00.0085.000, Version 14.0.891.

              and not 18.2.1060 which may also make a difference in recreating the error.  With the combination of Items/Quantities/Costs/etc. we are able to recreate this issue every time.  Following Angela's instructions, we temporarily disabled MFG and found that we were NOT able to recreate the issue then.

          Please let me know if you need any additional information or if we should try something else.



  • Dean Marty Profile Picture
    Dean Marty on at
    RE: Rounding Account's value changing from Functional Currency to Originating Currency

    Hi Michael

    I tried walking through your steps, but am unable to recreate your issue.


    Before posting distributions


    after posting distributions


    I tested on 18.2.1060 with MFG enabled.

    I did only enter the 3 lines with amounts - do you feel we'd need to have the 3 lines with no amounts to replicate?


  • mnola Profile Picture
    mnola 72 on at
    RE: Rounding Account's value changing from Functional Currency to Originating Currency

    Hi Angela,

                  Thank you for looking at this.  Below are the details for each of the six Items.  The amounts entered have COMMA in place of a decimal, as they are all in the Z-UK currency.  Please let me know if you need any more information.  In addition to the Sales Invoice Items, there is a TAX amount field that is also getting added.

    Exchange Rate: 

    1. Currency ID:                   Z-UK
    2. Rate Type ID:                 AVERAGE
    3. Calculation Method:      1.2353210

    Item Quantity  Unit Price Markdown Unit Cost UOM Schedule Valuation Method Qty Decimals
    Item 1 1 54,16 8,13 4,65 EA FIFO Periodic 3
    Item 2  1 65,83 9,87 4,13 EA FIFO Periodic 3
    Item 3 1 0 0 ,26 EA FIFO Periodic 3
    Item 4 1 57,50 8,62 3,74 EA FIFO Periodic 3
    Item 5 1 0 0 ,19 EA FIFO Periodic 3
    Item 6 1 0 0 ,38 EA FIFO Periodic 3
    TAX: 30,18

    MS Dynamics GP 14.00.0983 (R2).

    Manufacturing:  14.00.0085.000, Version 14.0.891.

    Thank you again for looking into things!


  • RE: Rounding Account's value changing from Functional Currency to Originating Currency

    Hi Michael,

    I did research and didn't see any type of quality issue.  We may need to try to replicate the issue to figure out what is happening.  If you want, you can provide me the details here of the SOP invoice.  (item numbers (lines)  quantities, costs etc as well as exchange rate information (multiply or divide) and I can try to replicate it to see if we might have an issue.  But it might be worth putting in a support case for troubleshooting.  There are so many factors when trying to replicate. Type of item, costing, valuation method of item etc.  

    So if you want to try to provide me some of that information I can try to replicate before putting in a support request.



  • mnola Profile Picture
    mnola 72 on at
    RE: Rounding Account's value changing from Functional Currency to Originating Currency

    Hi Angela,

                  It would seem that MFG is part of the issue.  Following your instructions, we disabled MFG under Customization status, created a new Invoice with same exact data as before and then posted.  After the Post the Rounding Account was properly set (no issue).  We also re-ran the process with MFG enabled and can consistently recreate the issue.

                 As for any other 3rd party products, other than SmartList Builder and Forms Printer, don't see any other add-ons involved and highly doubt SLB or Forms Printer would have any impact.

    The version of GP where the issue is at hand is:

    MS Dynamics GP 14.00.0983 (R2).

    Manufacturing:  14.00.0085.000, Version 14.0.891.

    Please let me know if you need any further information or if there is another setting we need to look into.

    Thank you!


  • RE: Rounding Account's value changing from Functional Currency to Originating Currency

    Hi Michael,

    Would you happen to know if this issue occurs when MFG is not enabled?  I'm just trying to figure out if this is related to the MFG code or just plain GP.  

    If you have a TEST company that you can recreate this in, please disable MFG under Customization status and try a new transaction to see if you get similar results.   That will help us determine if this is GP or MFG code related.

    If you are still having the issue with MFG loaded, check to see if there are other customization, 3rd parties etc loaded and disable those for testing just to see if they had any impact.



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