I have a customer with an SSRS site that was setup with their original GP implementation. We are in the process of moving them to a new server and upgrading GP. As part of the switch the reporting services site must also move over. I looked at their current Reporting Services Configuration manager and it showed setup in "Native" mode. But when I restored the database and attempted to set it up on the new server I received a message saying the database was in Sharepoint mode. Is there a way to set it up in Native mode?
I've also placed this note on MIcrosoft's SQL forum, but would appreciate any insight or recommendations. Look forward to a response.
Thank you Lisa at AonC, but that will not work for us. These are customized reports beyond the standard reports deployed through Great Plains. With my other customers they have Native installs of SSRS and one can back them up and restore to a new server. Then typically all one has to do is reset connections.
In this case the old server displays as a "Native" setup in Reporting Services Configuration manager, however once restored if one tries to connect to it via Reporting Services Configuration manager we receive an error that it is setup in Share Point mode. I am not aware of the customer having Sharepoint deployed on the old server, moreover the old Reporting Services site appears to be a native site once logged in.
Again to the group, has any one run into this scenario and any thoughts how to work around the Sharepoint error? Please advise. Look forward to a response.
I'm confused by what you are trying to restore. (I don't think you can/would restore a prior SSRS database to a server with a different name or a newer version of SQL.)
Assuming you are referring to the GP system database (DYNAMICS) and you will redeploy the GP SSRS reports with the new server, you'll want to review the sy40800 and syDeployedReports (and likely clear the tables) prior to launching GP Utilities/GP Reporting Tools Setup.
Under review
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