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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Setup project resources on projects ?

Posted on by 10,794 User Group Leader

Hi All,

Can anyone please guide me or give me a pointer how to add or see Project Resources under Project management and accounting | Common | Project resouces | Resources form. Have been trying to assign resources (workers) to a project but resources list is not showing with any data on Add roles button under Project team and scheduling group on Project Details form.

I know these resources are actually workers in AX but there are some more attributes or setup need to be configure to make these workers the resources.

I have been using AX 2012 R2 CU7 so please suggest me solution on this version as resource scheduling or resource assignment process has been changed in CU7 from its earlier versions or updates.

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  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,280 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Setup project resources on projects ?

    Hi Faisal,

    Glad you found it. To be honest I missed your previous reply. This was due to my work abroad last week and the number of notifications at the top is not suitable for someone with a high number of activities.

    I wonder if the core product could have a global shared work calendar. Until now I try to avoid as much as possible use of virtual companies. So I had not experienced this issue before.

  • Verified answer
    Faisal Fareed Profile Picture
    Faisal Fareed 10,794 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Setup project resources on projects ?

    Figured it out. There was an issue with virtual company accounts setup. Working calendar table was added into table collection to use in virtual company but few other tables like EmploymentCalender was not added into table collection. Due to this reason dataAreaId was changed in both tables and was failing to retreive records from query.

  • Faisal Fareed Profile Picture
    Faisal Fareed 10,794 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Setup project resources on projects ?

    Hi Andre,

    Thanks for your response. Employement details (employment start/end dates and calendar) were already setup for workers. 

    To elaborate this issue; I have setup 4 legal entities (ABC, BCD etc) and one virtual company (SVC). Right now I am in ABC legal entity and tried to debug following code but bold conditions are failing.


    this.addCompanyWorkerResourceData(currentDataArea, availableResources); // currentDataArea = 'ABC'

    When above method calls;

    select RecId from workerTable
    join LegalEntity, ValidFrom, ValidTo from employmentTable
    where employmentTable.Worker == workerTable.RecId
    && !(employmentTable.ValidTo < employmentStartDateTime)
    && !(employmentTable.ValidFrom > employmentEndDateTime)
    join CalendarId from employmentCalendar
    where employmentCalendar.Employment == employmentTable.RecId
    && employmentCalendar.CalendarDataAreaId == resourceDataArea
    && employmentCalendar.CalendarId != ""
    join DataArea from companyTable
    where companyTable.RecId == employmentTable.LegalEntity
    && companyTable.DataArea == resourceDataArea
    join UserSession, ResourceSet from resourceSet
    where resourceSet.UserSession == userSession
    && resourceSet.ResourceSet == ProjResourceSet::Cache;


    For the first condition when I checked into WorkCalendarEmployment (EmploymentCalendar) table and found field CalendarDataAreaId = SVC not the legal entity (ABC) I am working in. 

    1. I created new working calendar in ABC legal entity but it is still showing calendarDataAreaId = SVC. I thought it should be with calendarDataAreaId = ABC but it did not. Could you please tell me why is it so ?
    2. For the testing purpose I deleted virtual company from my dev enviornment which eventually deleted all entries from working calendar table. I created new working calendar in ABC legal entity and this time it was created with calendarDataAreaId = 'ABC'. 

    For the second condition where resourceSet.UserSession == userSession it is failing and not matching my useSession with what is stored in resourceSet table's field UserSession. Could you please tell me how to setup data into this resouceSet table so I can get this condition working.

  • Suggested answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,280 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Setup project resources on projects ?

    Hi Faisal,

    Once you know it, it is very simple. The worker needs to have an active employment in the current legal entity. Also on the Emploment section of the Worker details you need to specify a Calendar.

    Then the worker will be visible as resource.

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