We have a business process flow for Opportunity with 6 stages, however, while moving from stages, in the second stage itself I get the error "Last stage in the active path reached. Next stage does not exist."
Note that: This issue occurs only sometime and vanishes after page refresh.
Upon investigation, I found that the error is been thrown from the inbuilt page "editformpage.js" and in the function "moveToNextStage()"
can anything be done to fix this?
moveToNextStage() { const e = this.getTelemetryParams() , t = new Promise((e,t)=>{ if (Object(Te.a)(this._currentBpfInstance)) return t(new u.a("Process Control does not exist on form.",2147877746)); const i = this._stageMetadata.getNextStageId(this.getActiveStageId()); if (i) { const t = 0; e(this._saveMainFormIfImmersiveBpfAndNewRecord().then(()=>this._saveFormDataAndActiveStage(h.a.tryParseOrNull(i), t, We))) } else t(new Q("Last stage in the active path reached. Next stage does not exist.")) } ); return t.then(()=>{ Object(Ae.c)(He.h, e, this._applicationContext) } , t=>{ this._shouldReportErrorAsSuccess(t) ? Object(Ae.c)(He.h, e, this._applicationContext) : Object(Ae.b)(He.h, t, null, e, this._applicationContext, this.getCurrentFormEntity(), this._getState()) } ), t }