Hi guys,
I am getting the below error whenever the workflow tries to reopen the case.
Can somebody help me resolve this issue.
Exception 'Exception' occured: Exception while acquiring token: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: Unexpected HTTP code returned by TPS (Trusted Publisher System) for 'publishers.crm5.dynamics.com/.../challenge', Expected: 401, Actual: ServiceUnavailable (Fault Detail is equal to Exception details: ErrorCode: 0x80040216 Message: Unexpected HTTP code returned by TPS (Trusted Publisher System) for 'publishers.crm5.dynamics.com/.../challenge', Expected: 401, Actual: ServiceUnavailable TimeStamp: 2023-02-08T06:27:54.0000000Z -- )., CorrelationId: 9b5acbfa-2d98-455e-8d32-5ed93abb25bf