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Get through API data and put on email template

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Hi! want to simulate an external dummy BD (it could be a MySQL or a table with two or three data in SQL or even an Excel without having to import it into Dynamics,

How MKT Dynamics is able to read this data through consumption of APIs or services and be able to assemble an email template combining data that lives in CRM with data from external systems (without having previously import your data to Dynamics) ?

Here an example of email that we need to create on dynamics marketing:

Dear customer 12345, we inform you that according to your “ Moderate ” investor profile, Inteligo offers you the following products:“ Product A ”and“ Product B ”. We see that it has a cash balance of “US $ 245,000” that could be invested in these recommended products.

Where the fields in red come from systems external to CRM (maybe the Banking Core)

Any information would be very helpful.


  • Suggested answer
    ShaileshJain Profile Picture
    ShaileshJain on at
    RE: Get through API data and put on email template

    the only way to personalize marketing emails with dynamic content is to bring the data in as relationship on CDS entity (aka CRMDB) on D365.

    the suggestion to bring in such data into Customer Insights would help with segmentation on CI, and use on D365 Marketing app -- however not email personalization. and CI approach is recommended only if its high volume data.

    since you are even wondering about excel based data - it does not look like high volume near interaction data. can you provide business justification on why you are avoiding bringing data onto CDS which is the source of truth? all your data like investor profile, balance looks transactional. 

  • d_radulova Profile Picture
    d_radulova 2 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Get through API data and put on email template

    Hi @FabiolaRT,

    How are you going to make sure you target the right contacts (segments criteria) in your customer journey if they are outside of D365 Marketing?

    One option might be Customer Insights. It is slightly different approach to your challenge, but what you could potentially do is -

    - join all your data sources in Customer Insights, whic is its intended use case. Then create your segmentation there (for example customers with moderate investor profile.)

    - sync the segments with D365 Marketing

    - create a separate marketing Email template for moderate investor profile ,

    The downside of this would be complexity to manage if there are too many combinations.

    Just thinking out loud here. Hope that helps a bit.



  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Get through API data and put on email template

    Hi Fabiola,

    Email tempate design is front end, elements such as text and image are detected by some defined tags and attributes:

    However, those tags and attributes only work in Dynamics for Marketing HTML editor.

    You could build a simple web application, create a HTML page with above tags and attributes, then populate the red fields in page with data from DB and copy output back to Dynamics editor to get preview.



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