what is the usage of query Dynalink and what is different between addLink and addDynaLink
what is the usage of query Dynalink and what is different between addLink and addDynaLink
A dynalink is a relation between two queries. For example, you hightlight an order header in a form and the grid with lines shows just lines related to that order. It's works even across forms - for example, you go to customers and from there you open a form with customer transactions. A dynalink is created automatically (based on a table relation) and the transactions are filtered - without a single line of code.
addDynaLink() is used to add a dynalink in code, which is possible, but unusual. They're usually created automatically.
addLink() is used with joins, i.e. when you have several tables in the same query. With addLink(), you define fields used for joining.
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