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Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Archived)

Error getting in Swach Bharat Cess Hotfix

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After importing the Hotfix objects into Base IN database and tried to do the entries, following error is getting while posting and verifying the statics.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Function ID 1500008 was called. The object with ID 0 does not have a member with that ID.

Please let me know what is the solution for this issue.

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  • RE: Error getting in Swach Bharat Cess Hotfix

    Dear Suresh,

    Thanks for your support on this.  We are using NAV2013R2 (7.1) build No. 7.1.35473.  AS per your suggestion i imported the hotfix for E-TDS/TCS and compiled the objects and there is no issue.  After that i imported the SC hotfix (IN7.1_TFS160375 - Swachh Bharat Cess).  After importing these objects and compiled the following errors are getting.

    Error No. Object Type Object ID Object Name Error Type Function/Trigger Line No. Description

    1 Table 16473 Service Tax Entry Error Initialize 16 You have specified an unknown variable. FullServiceTaxSBCAmount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.

    2 Report 402 Purchase Document - Test Error OnAfterGetRecord 295 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.

    3 Report 405 Order Error OnPreDataItem 13 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.

    4 Report 406 Purchase - Invoice Error OnAfterGetRecord 37 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.

    5 Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line Error PostCustServiceTaxOnAppln 28 When the function is called, the minimum number of parameters should be used. For example: MyFunc( .. , .. , .. )



    6 Codeunit 80 Sales-Post Error OnRun 2127 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.

    7 Codeunit 5987 Serv-Posting Journals Mgt. Error PostGenGnlLineServiceTax 22 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.

    8 Codeunit 16471 Service Tax Management Error InsertDirectSalesEntry 14 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.

    9 Page 161 Purchase Statistics Error OnAfterGetRecord 26 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.

    10 Page 400 Purchase Invoice Statistics Error OnAfterGetRecord 20 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.

    11 Page 403 Purchase Order Statistics Error 0 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.

    In SBC release note there is no clarity about what all are the hotfix need to apply before SBC.  Hence, Please help me to resolve this issue.



  • ManishS Profile Picture
    ManishS 78 on at
    RE: Error getting in Swach Bharat Cess Hotfix

    You need to apply HF of FUV 4.0/4.1 first & then SBC.

    Also there needs some manual correction of code also in table 39.

  • Suggested answer
    Suresh Kulla Profile Picture
    Suresh Kulla 44,656 on at
    RE: Error getting in Swach Bharat Cess Hotfix


    What version are you using if you are using 2013 R2 you need to apply the  hotfix E-TDS/TCS Filing  before you apply this, below is the link for that hotfix

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Error getting in Swach Bharat Cess Hotfix

    This clearly indicates that, you have not properly applied the hotfix.

    Pl. check your current version + Prerequisites to apply Swach Bharat Cess Hotfix + Swach Bharat Cess related code....

    Try to download the latest NAV 2013 CU and apply Swach Bharat Cess hotfix and see the working of it.

    Once you see working of it, try to merge the code in your current environment.

    Best Regards,

    Vishal Salot

  • RE: Error getting in Swach Bharat Cess Hotfix

    Dear Vishal,

    Thanks for the response.  Yes we have compiled all objects.  We got the following four objects with erros.

    Error No. Object Type Object ID Object Name Error Type Function/Trigger Line No. Description

    1 Table 39 Purchase Line Error CalculateTDS 208 You have specified an unknown variable. FindNODLines Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.

    2 Table 81 Gen. Journal Line Error CalculateTDS 147 You have specified an unknown variable. FindNODLines Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.

    3 Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line Error InsertTDS 20 You have specified an unknown variable. Nature of Remittance Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.

    4 Codeunit 90 Purch.-Post Error FillInvPostingBuffer 10 You have specified an unknown variable. Nature of Remittance Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Error getting in Swach Bharat Cess Hotfix


    Have you tried to compile all the objects, after importing the hotfix?

    If yes, please enable the debugger and see exactly on which object you are getting this error?

    We have tried and tested the working of Swacch Bhart Cess with latest NAV 2013 R2 database and seems working perfectly fine.

    Best Regards,

    Vishal Salot

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