Dear Suresh,
Thanks for your support on this. We are using NAV2013R2 (7.1) build No. 7.1.35473. AS per your suggestion i imported the hotfix for E-TDS/TCS and compiled the objects and there is no issue. After that i imported the SC hotfix (IN7.1_TFS160375 - Swachh Bharat Cess). After importing these objects and compiled the following errors are getting.
Error No. Object Type Object ID Object Name Error Type Function/Trigger Line No. Description
1 Table 16473 Service Tax Entry Error Initialize 16 You have specified an unknown variable. FullServiceTaxSBCAmount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.
2 Report 402 Purchase Document - Test Error OnAfterGetRecord 295 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.
3 Report 405 Order Error OnPreDataItem 13 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.
4 Report 406 Purchase - Invoice Error OnAfterGetRecord 37 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.
5 Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line Error PostCustServiceTaxOnAppln 28 When the function is called, the minimum number of parameters should be used. For example: MyFunc( .. , .. , .. )
6 Codeunit 80 Sales-Post Error OnRun 2127 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.
7 Codeunit 5987 Serv-Posting Journals Mgt. Error PostGenGnlLineServiceTax 22 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.
8 Codeunit 16471 Service Tax Management Error InsertDirectSalesEntry 14 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.
9 Page 161 Purchase Statistics Error OnAfterGetRecord 26 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.
10 Page 400 Purchase Invoice Statistics Error OnAfterGetRecord 20 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.
11 Page 403 Purchase Order Statistics Error 0 You have specified an unknown variable. Service Tax SBC Amount Define the variable under 'Global C/AL symbols'.
In SBC release note there is no clarity about what all are the hotfix need to apply before SBC. Hence, Please help me to resolve this issue.