Hi all.
Yesterday Stefano indirectly answered my question about how to make scheduled jobs run by passing me over a document, where information on running job queues were included.
But I limited my tests to job queues run by me pushing the Start Job Queue button.
Only after that I set a job queue to start automatically like below ... :
... and a scheduled, recursive job of the same Category as the job queue, DELEGATE, like this:
Now, I also read somewhere on the Navision help that a scheduled job can be run by an automatic job queue within 10 minutes after the job creation.
I waited, but it didn't run.
After that I understood better that the automatic job queue could have to be started separately as well, and perhaps that's the reason why I waited uselessly till this morning to have the scheduled job run. And the job is recursively set to run every day, therefore alll the more reason I say uselessly.
Unless the 24 hours time span between 2 following runs of the job, as it is set on the job card (No. of Minutes between runs = 1440 mns ≈ 24 hrs) is the reason, which I don't think has nothing to spare with my situation, because this job didn't run either once.
So, my question is: how can I start an automatic job queue (and be sure it'll remain up and running) ?
And if you think that's not the reason, what else could it be why the scheduled (recursive) job doesn't run ?
Many, many thanks in advance to all of you who'll solve this puzzle of mine.
Raoul Bertorello
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