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The system could not log you on. This could be because your user record or the business unit you belong to has been disabled in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. {1}{0}

Posted on by 60

I have a CRM user which is getting the following error: "The system could not log you on. This could be because your user record or the business unit you belong to has been disabled in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. {1}{0}"

This user left the company and then was rehired. When the user left, the user was deactivated in CRM and AD. When the user was brought back on, a new AD account was created for the user using the same user name as her old account. This results in having an inactivated account and an active account using the same NTID.

In similar circumstances, the CRM user with a duplicate username will get a 404 error and changing the current CRM account's username to a test account, saving, and then back to the correct username associates the CRM account with the correct AD account fixes the issue.

In this case, the user is getting "The system could not log you on. This could be because your user record or the business unit you belong to has been disabled in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. {1}{0}" and my fix listed above does not work.

I would delete the old CRM account but that is not a supported fix.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

  • Verified answer
    JIMMYCRM Profile Picture
    JIMMYCRM 60 on at
    RE: The system could not log you on. This could be because your user record or the business unit you belong to has been disabled in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. {1}{0}

    Danny, Renaming the deactivated duplicate userid  on the record removes the conflict. My DBA is able to make the change using supported tools. It looks like some of the suggestions above have also worked for some though I have not tried them after my DBA was able to come through for me. Thanks everyone for your help in figuring this out!

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: The system could not log you on. This could be because your user record or the business unit you belong to has been disabled in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. {1}{0}

    Jimmy did you ever solve this issue? We are having the same issue with two records having the same user name.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: The system could not log you on. This could be because your user record or the business unit you belong to has been disabled in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. {1}{0}

    Hi there,

    This kind of situation keeps happening to us every time a sales person gets re-hired.


    What happens to the accounts we are assigning to Non-CRM users?

    I already assigned 6 in the last month. What if we run out of Non-CRM users?

    Do we need to create dummy users or something like that?

    Thanks in advance for your response.

  • Sean James Profile Picture
    Sean James 15 on at
    RE: The system could not log you on. This could be because your user record or the business unit you belong to has been disabled in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. {1}{0}

    Worked for me.

  • Sean James Profile Picture
    Sean James 15 on at
    RE: The system could not log you on. This could be because your user record or the business unit you belong to has been disabled in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. {1}{0}

    Sorry for the sill question, but what do you do next? Change the user back to the correct one after  a good log into CRM?

  • Ramakanta Profile Picture
    Ramakanta 2,715 on at
    RE: The system could not log you on. This could be because your user record or the business unit you belong to has been disabled in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. {1}{0}

    Thanks Roy...It works for me !!!

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: The system could not log you on. This could be because your user record or the business unit you belong to has been disabled in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. {1}{0}


    Not sure if you fixed this or not - but I've successfully managed to overcome this issue.

    I created a workflow to set the User Name field of the disabled crm user to another non-crm user active directory account.  Then I ran the workflow against the disabled user.

    This removed the conflict.


  • Suggested answer
    tpeschat Profile Picture
    tpeschat 4,926 on at
    RE: The system could not log you on. This could be because your user record or the business unit you belong to has been disabled in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. {1}{0}

    Ok. And I guess you can't activate it since the more or less exact user exists twice. Then probably you need to overwrite the active user with test user first. Then you shoud be able to activate the suspended user again, change that user to test user. Deactivate again. Finally change the other user again.

    And if you have luck it should be working again ...

    Br Thomas

  • JIMMYCRM Profile Picture
    JIMMYCRM 60 on at
    RE: The system could not log you on. This could be because your user record or the business unit you belong to has been disabled in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. {1}{0}

    Thomas, Yes, the two NTIDs are the same and I agree that what you suggest if probably happening. I am unable to modify the deactivated record through CRM as it is deactivated. I cannot activate the record because the AD account it is tied to does not exist any longer and I get an error.  I don't believe making the modification to the deactivated record's NTID directly in the database is supported.  

  • Suggested answer
    tpeschat Profile Picture
    tpeschat 4,926 on at
    RE: The system could not log you on. This could be because your user record or the business unit you belong to has been disabled in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. {1}{0}

    Is it possible that the enabled and disabled user both carry the same NTID?

    And the disabled user probably has been setup first.

    So CRM always checks this first user, who is in status disabled.

    Can you try to change the disabled user to a test account and then try again to login with the enabled user?

    Hth Thomas

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