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Adding dynamic field controls in the form

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Hello All,
I am trying to add dynamic controls in the form. I have added a tabPage, a group and added field controls in the group.
The form is working fine, but the tab page is collapsed while opening the form. I tried to use tabPage.FastTabExpanded(FastTabExpanded::Always), the tab is expanded but the controls are not visible. If I set tabPage.FastTabExpanded(FastTabExpanded::Yes) fields are visible but tabpage is collapsed and have to extend them manually.
Adding the code for reference,
private FormGroupControl buildTabPageControl(){    FormGroupControl            groupControl;    FormTabPageControl          tabPageControl;    tabPageControl = callerTabControl.addControl(FormControlType::TabPage, 'TestTabPage' + enum2Str(FormControlType::TabPage),        callerInsertAfterControl ? callerInsertAfterControl : callerTabControl.controlNum(callerTabControl.controlCount()));    tabPageControl.caption('Test'');    if ( == TabStyle::FastTabs)    {        tabPageControl.fastTabExpanded(FastTabExpanded::Always);    }    groupControl = tabPageControl.addControl(FormControlType::Group, 'TestGroup'' + /@SYS80404/);    groupControl.arrangeMethod(FormArrangeMethod::HorizontalWrap);    return groupControl;}
Any insights or suggestions on what I might be missing or causing this behavior?
  • Wekey Profile Picture
    Wekey 300 on at
    Adding dynamic field controls in the form
    Original code as it was not readable in the post
    private FormGroupControl buildTabPageControl()
        FormGroupControl            groupControl;
        FormTabPageControl          tabPageControl;
        tabPageControl = callerTabControl.addControl(FormControlType::TabPage, 'Test' + enum2Str(FormControlType::TabPage),
            callerInsertAfterControl ? callerInsertAfterControl : callerTabControl.controlNum(callerTabControl.controlCount()));
        tabPageControl.caption("Test TabPage");
        if ( == TabStyle::FastTabs)
        groupControl = tabPageControl.addControl(FormControlType::Group, 'Test' + "@SYS80404");
        return groupControl;
    Also I tried to get the tabPageControl and do the same tabPageControl.fastTabExpanded(FastTabExpanded::Always); after adding the fields to the group, still no luck with that it behaves the same. If I set the FastTabExpanded::Yes (Anything expect Always)  I can able to see the field but the tabpage is collapsed. When I set to Always the tabPage is expanded but couldn't able to see the fields.
  • Wekey Profile Picture
    Wekey 300 on at
    Adding dynamic field controls in the form
    Hello Andre and Layan,
    Thanks for the reply. I tried to add the code snippet I am not sure why the code looks that way. However adding the remaining code here
    private FormGroupControl getFormGroupControl()
        FormGroupControl groupControl;
        groupControl = this.buildTabPageControl();        
        return groupControl;
    void updateDesign(boolean _isDynamicControl = false)
        Map                 fieldsAdded;
        FormGroupControl    formGroupControl;        
        formGroupControl    = this.getFormGroupControl();
        fieldsAdded         = this.getAvailableField();
        if (_isDynamicControl)
            this.addDynamicFieldsControl(formGroupControl, fieldsAdded);
            this.addFieldsControl(formGroupControl, fieldsAdded);
    private void addDynamicFieldsControl(FormGroupControl _formGroupControl, Map _fieldsAdded)
        MapEnumerator   fieldsEnumerator = _fieldsAdded.getEnumerator();
        _formGroupControl.columns(_fieldsAdded.elements() ? _fieldsAdded.elements() : 1);
        while (fieldsEnumerator.moveNext())
            str fieldType = Table::getFieldType(fieldsEnumerator.currentKey());
            switch (fieldType)
                case enum2Str(FieldType::String):
                    FormStringControl stringControl = _formGroupControl.addControl(FormControlType::String, fieldId2Name(tableNum(Table), fieldsEnumerator.currentKey()));
                    stringControl.lookupButton(Table::exist(fieldsEnumerator.currentValue()) ? FormLookupButton::Always : FormLookupButton::Never);
                    stringControl.registerOverrideMethod(methodStr(FormStringControl, lookup), methodStr(TestFormHelper, dynamicCtrlLookup), this);
                    stringControl.registerOverrideMethod(methodStr(FormStringControl, modified), methodStr(TestFormHelper, dynamicCtrlModified), this);
                case enum2Str(FieldType::Integer):
                    FormIntControl intControl = _formGroupControl.addControl(FormControlType::Integer, fieldId2Name(tableNum(Table), fieldsEnumerator.currentKey()));
                case enum2Str(FieldType::Real):
                    FormRealControl realControl = _formGroupControl.addControl(FormControlType::Real, fieldId2Name(tableNum(Table), fieldsEnumerator.currentKey()));
                case enum2Str(FieldType::Date):
                    FormDateControl dateControl = _formGroupControl.addControl(FormControlType::Date, fieldId2Name(tableNum(Table), fieldsEnumerator.currentKey()));
                case enum2Str(FieldType::DateTime):
                    FormDateTimeControl dateTimeControl = _formGroupControl.addControl(FormControlType::DateTime, fieldId2Name(tableNum(Table), fieldsEnumerator.currentKey()));
                case enum2Str(FieldType::Checkbox):
                    FormComboBoxControl comboBoxControl = _formGroupControl.addControl(FormControlType::ComboBox, fieldId2Name(tableNum(Table), fieldsEnumerator.currentKey()));
                    //do nothing
    private FormGroupControl buildTabPageControl()
        FormGroupControl            groupControl;
        FormTabPageControl          tabPageControl;
        tabPageControl = callerTabControl.addControl(FormControlType::TabPage, 'Test' + enum2Str(FormControlType::TabPage),
            callerInsertAfterControl ? callerInsertAfterControl : callerTabControl.controlNum(callerTabControl.controlCount()));
        groupControl = tabPageControl.addControl(FormControlType::Group, 'Test' + "@SYS80404");
        return groupControl;
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,965 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Adding dynamic field controls in the form
    Hi Wekey,
    When I quickly scan your coding, I don't see fields being added. Can you share the full method in a new reply, please?
  • Layan Jwei Profile Picture
    Layan Jwei 7,613 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Adding dynamic field controls in the form
    Hi WeKey,
    Can you please share ur code again in the comments section, because it's not readable.
    Are you saying in case u set it as always, none of the fields appear? Did u try to clear usage data?
    Here's more info about the fastTab expanded property

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