Hi All,
Need help setting up the goals for the team. Here is the brief
We have two currencies - base currency ( Ksh - Kenya Shillings) and other currency is USD ( US Dollars). An opportunity can be in any currency depending on the client's desire , region (in or outside of Kenya) or on sales person's desire for ease of internal reporting.
When creating goals, it is understood that the reporting can only be on base currency ( Ksh in this case). The records show up correctly in whatever currency but on the final goal preview, the USD opportunities somehow have a lower reported value in Ksh.
Sales person Goals in USD above
Last line above is the goal for the same sales person: Notice from $300,000 to now Ksh 82.19 ( ideally should have been ~Ksh 33,000,000). Same applies to the other sales people whose opportunities are in USD ( hence the figures 201.60, 5.24). KSh opportunities reflect well.
Any pointers to what is wrong and how to correct will be appreciated.