I am trying to embed a Tableau dashboard into the Contact Form that will apply a filter to the Tableau dashboard based on the id of the contact (last 36 characters in the URL) ?
This is what I did to create the web resource:
- Copy the embed code from the published Tableau dashboard
- Go to the view in Tableau
- Click “share” and then click “Copy Embed Code”
- Create Web Resource
- “Customizations” > “Custom the System”
- Click “Web Resources” from the menu on the left side
- Click “new”
- Name = “new_/Tableau/(Insert name here)”
- Display Name = Whatever the report is called; make sure you remember this for the last step
- Type = “Webpage (HTML)”
- The option “Text Editor” will populate next to Type once you select “Webpage”
- Click “Text Editor”
- Click “Source” tab
- Paste in the copied Embed Code
- Hit OK
- Click “preview” to make sure the tableau view populates
- “Save” and “Publish All Customizations”, NOT just “Publish”
Then I created a new section on the Contact Main page and inserted the web resource. The dashboard appears, but currently is unpopulated because it's filtered on a parameter in Tableau called 'id'. I need to be able to somehow set that parameter = to the contact id (the last 36 characters of the CRM URL). I unchecked the cross-scripting box or whatever and made sure the "allow parameters pass through" or whatever box was checked. But it seems like I may need to be doing more in the 'Source' tab of the web resource. I'm just not sure what.
A huge added bonus would be to be able to also pass the CRM user credentials to Tableau (the username for CRM and Tableau are the same) in the web resource, so our sales reps aren't prompted to log into Tableau every day as well. But that is less urgent.
Has anyone done this?? Thanks