RE: Increase Lead Score if they respond to an email
Hi cjanow3,
Unfortunately we couldn't increase lead's score if they reply to marketing email,
because marketing email service has its own back-end engine to send bulk emails,
so we won't receive response from recipients.
Supported behaviors have been listed in article below, you could take it as reference:
However, could you share me your business background of your requirement?
Usually we send marketing email to customers with a marketing page, events or newsletter, etc, rather than ask them questions and expect them to reply.
If you would like to receive any response from recipients, you could attach mailbox of Dynamics 365 activity email in marketing email content,
tell customers to reply to the specified address if they want to send any feedback;
further more, create a custom scoring field for Lead entity, once an activity email record is created(response gotten), update the field with increase score,
then lead scoring model could do scoring based on value of the field.