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Increase Lead Score if they respond to an email

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Hi all,

Is there a way to increase a Lead's score if they respond to a marketing email?  I cannot confirm this with the documentation found here and looking through the entities available when creating condition/action pairs in Lead Scoring.


  • Suggested answer
    sbtron Profile Picture
    sbtron on at
    RE: Increase Lead Score if they respond to an email

    Hey cjanow3

    As Clofly mentioned there isn't a way to receive replies back to the Marketing email and therefore it cannot be scored either.

    The second suggestion from Clofly will allow you to setup attach your a specific users mailbox to dynamics 365. This is typically used for Sales/Service type of scenarios where there is 1:1 communication and not the Marketing scenarios where you are sending to a large group. 

    If your user flow permits maybe your email could ask people to connect back through a webform rather than a reply to the email. That way you could score based on the form submission.


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Increase Lead Score if they respond to an email

    Hi cjanow3,

    Could you share what domain you use to send marketing emails thus you could receive reply from recipient?

    In my environment, I can send marketing email with following two domains:


    The first one is my private domain which was registered from a domain provider.

    The second is default domain to send marketing email.(my environment is trial.)

    Mailbox system will notify me delivery failed after a period of time if I reply to directly.

    "attach mailbox of Dynamics 365 activity email in marketing email content":

    Set a button element link attribute to, it will pou up a window for recipient to select an app to reply to the address.




  • cjanow3 Profile Picture
    cjanow3 2 on at
    RE: Increase Lead Score if they respond to an email

    Upon sending out some marketing email, the recipient is able to reply to the sender.  We wanted to increase their lead score should they do that.  However, sending any new email (i.e. not only responses to marketing emails) will work too.  I am unclear what you mean when you say "attach mailbox of Dynamics 365 activity email in marketing email content".  Is there a resource that I can reference?  Thank you.

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Increase Lead Score if they respond to an email

    Hi cjanow3,

    Unfortunately we couldn't increase lead's score if they reply to marketing email,

    because marketing email service has its own back-end engine to send bulk emails,

    so we won't receive response from recipients.

    Supported behaviors have been listed in article below, you could take it as reference:

    However, could you share me your business background of your requirement?

    Usually we send marketing email to customers with a marketing page, events or newsletter, etc, rather than ask them questions and expect them to reply.

    If you would like to receive any response from recipients, you could attach mailbox of Dynamics 365 activity email in marketing email content,

    tell customers to reply to the specified address if they want to send any feedback;

    further more, create a custom scoring field for Lead entity, once an activity email record is created(response gotten), update the field with increase score,

    then lead scoring model could do scoring based on value of the field.



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