Whilst trying to save the "analytics configuration" we get an error. This is attached. The main thing seems to be: "Request configuration value is not present in Organization Configuration. Namespace: MarketingServiceUi; Key: MaxRetryAttempts" Can you please help with assigning this configuration?
We created the blob container ok but when trying to link to it (create analytics configuration record) from Dynamics we get this error.
Here is the error file:
Exception Message: We were unable to start the connector. An unexpected error happened.
ErrorCode: -2147220891
HexErrorCode: 0x80040265
OperationStatus: 0
SubErrorCode: -2146233088
ExceptionFromPluginExecute: Microsoft.Dynamics.Crm.MarketingPlugins.Plugins.CdsaConnectorConfiguration.CdsaConnectorConfigurationPlugin
ExceptionRetriable: False
ExceptionSource: PluginExecution
OriginalException: PluginExecution
PluginTrace: 2022-09-01T03:55:44.0022081Z :: Information(170015) :: Processing message: Create
2022-09-01T03:55:44.0178270Z :: Information(170015) :: Processing new entity
2022-09-01T03:55:44.0178270Z :: Information(170015) :: Processing new export.
2022-09-01T03:55:44.0334623Z :: Information(170015) :: SAS Uri validation is successful. BlobStoragePath: dynmarketingprodae.blob.core.windows.net/xxxxxxxxxxxxx ExpirationDateTime: 08/31/2032 14:00
2022-09-01T03:55:44.0334623Z :: Information(170015) :: Starting the connector
2022-09-01T03:55:44.0491185Z :: Information(170015) :: Invoking a post request to url: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.svc.dynamics.com:815/.../startv2
2022-09-01T03:55:44.0647091Z :: Information(170007) :: Using endpoint alias: OutboundMarketing, using default: True.
2022-09-01T03:55:44.0803366Z :: Information(170010) :: Request configuration value is not present in Organization Configuration. Namespace: MarketingServiceUi; Key: MaxRetryAttempts
2022-09-01T03:55:44.0803366Z :: Error(170004) :: Returning default value of type 'System.Int32, exception thrown when retrieving key 'MaxRetryAttempts' of namespace 'MarketingServiceUi' from organization configuration: Request configuration value is not present in Organization Configuration. Namespace: MarketingServiceUi; Key: MaxRetryAttempts
2022-09-01T03:55:44.0803366Z :: Error(170004) :: Request configuration value is not present in Organization Configuration. Namespace: MarketingServiceUi; Key: MaxRetryAttempts
User language is: 1033
2022-09-01T03:55:44.8368899Z :: Error(170029) :: HTTP request failed
2022-09-01T03:55:44.8368899Z :: Error(170029) :: The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway.
2022-09-01T03:55:44.8368899Z :: Information(170025) :: Retry nr. 1 after delay 00:00:00.1000000ms due to exception WebException.
User language is: 1033
2022-09-01T03:55:45.7785229Z :: Error(170029) :: HTTP request failed
2022-09-01T03:55:45.7785229Z :: Error(170029) :: The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway.
2022-09-01T03:55:45.7785229Z :: Information(170025) :: Retry nr. 2 after delay 00:00:00.2000000ms due to exception WebException.
User language is: 1033
2022-09-01T03:55:46.5672894Z :: Error(170029) :: HTTP request failed
2022-09-01T03:55:46.5672894Z :: Error(170029) :: The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway.
2022-09-01T03:55:46.5672894Z :: Information(170025) :: Retry nr. 3 after delay 00:00:00.4000000ms due to exception WebException.
User language is: 1033
2022-09-01T03:55:47.6179458Z :: Error(170029) :: HTTP request failed
2022-09-01T03:55:47.6179458Z :: Error(170029) :: The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway.
2022-09-01T03:55:47.6179458Z :: Error(170002) :: The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway.
2022-09-01T03:55:47.6335504Z :: Information(170015) :: ValidationException: We were unable to start the connector. An unexpected error happened., CorrelationId: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx