My client is currently evaluating Dynamics 365 URS and has some reporting requirement related to resources and there busyness, i am wondering if there are any busyness or forecasting reports available OOB?
such as:
1: E.g Weekly busyness 1st June - 7th June:. Resource A Available hours: 40 Utilisation - 80 %
Resource B Available hours:35 Utilisation - 70%
I know schedule board OOB shows utilisation% for the time duration on the resource cell which is i guess is calculated at run time based upon time period and resource available hours within that time period however is there any place in system where the available hours/utilisation for the time period are stored therefore we can pull these in a dashboard or report or these are calculated at run time? or do we have to calculate them from scratch in the report/dashboard.
Alternatively are there any OOB reports/dashboards available to show such comparison?
2: Some kind of forecast reports such as previous week resource requirements hours Vs actual charged hours (based upon completed bookings) or do we have to use applications like Power BI to build one?