I have a requirement to hide the 'Next Stage' button on the BPF after a certain stage has been reached. How can I achieve this?
I have a requirement to hide the 'Next Stage' button on the BPF after a certain stage has been reached. How can I achieve this?
Try the below it work as expected :)
function HideSetAcgtiveButton(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
function onStageClicked(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
var hide = true;
var interval = null;
interval = setInterval(function () {
var element = parent.document.getElementById("MscrmControls.Containers.ProcessStageControl-businessProcessFlowFlyoutFooterContainer");
if (element != null && hide == true) {
hide = false;
element.style.display = "none";
}, 10);
Hi Aneeqa Pervaiz,
This topic explains how to hide the Next Stage button on a business process flow.
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