I have been trying to understand reasons I get the following messages while creating an expense report. I have checked the Expense workflow setups multiple times. Please help.
1. 'ConvertAmountValue' error message: I get this error just as I create the expense report and with or without selecting the customer account.
Error 2: 'System cannot determine which workflow to run. Review the 'Set condition or use...'
I get this message as soon as I enter a value in the Transaction Amount field and click Save. Please find the error message and the related setup screenshots attached in this message.
Setup : Expense report - hierarchy approval :
Setup 1:
Setup 2: Properties on Conditional decision 1
Setup 3: Properties set on Approve expense report 1:
Setup 4: Properties set on Subworkflow 1:
Setup 5: Properties on Expense report workflow - set in subworkflow 1:
Please help.
Thank you,
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