Does anyone experience Smartlist export to Excel drops off leading zeros in employee id after upgraded from 18.2 to 18.3? Excel was working file in 18.2. I tried to add SmartlistEnhancedExcelExport=FALSE in dex.ini with no luck.
I am also seeing an issue in RDS with published GP application after upgraded to 18.3, a few GP users can still login to GP fine with their browser, the other had trouble and ask them to launch GP utility but they are all fine to login through RDP. Any suggestion?
Dynamics GP 18.3 is supported/compatible, per System Requirements, with these Office versions:
Microsoft Office 2013 32bit & x64
Microsoft Office 2016 32bit & x64
Microsoft Office 2019 32bit & x64 (18.2.1013 GP version or later)
So, if you export the SmartLists to your Excel 2019, the leading zeros show, or are you using a completely different Dynamics GP environment, i.e. GP databases, then the customer?
Besides the UseCOMForExcelExport=TRUE and/or SmartListEnhancedExcelExport=TRUE lines in the Dex.ini, which you can test together and each individually to see if any of these help resolve this issue, that would be my initial suggestion as I can't say I've seen the issue with leading zeros, but more so with decimal places.
For the second question, since it is unrelated to the SmartList export issue, can you ask it in a new forum, just so we can keep each issue/question separate, which makes it easier for others to find the issue and resolution when searching for it.....
I tested with my local GP18.3 with Excel 2019, exported an employee with three leading zeros exported fine in Excel showing three zeros. The customer site is using Excel 2016, not using SmartLists builder at all, I checked ADH00100 and there is no DECPLCUR field, I tested with a new Smartlists called EMP CLASS and here is the statement in ADH00100: select [UPR00100].[EMPLOYID] AS 'Employee ID', [UPR00100].[EMPLCLAS] AS 'Employee Class' from SMUMN..[UPR00100], showed corrected in Smartlists with leading zeros for employee id, dropped leading zeros after exported to Excel 2016. Do we have to use Excel 2019 instead? What about my second part of question in my original post?
Thanks Derek
We haven't seen any specific issues to 18.3, but if you have tried the SmartListEnhancedExcelExport= and/or UseCOMForExcelExport= lines in the Dex.ini for Dynamics GP and neither have worked, my question would first be whether the decimal places show correctly when you view the reports in the SmartList window itself?
Also, does this issue occur for all SmartLists including the default reports, or just some reports or custom reports?
If custom, do you have SmartList Builder installed and were the custom reports created via SLB?
If the decimal places are not correct when viewing the report in the SmartList window itself, there is a DECPLCUR value column in the ADH00100 table that holds that information, but if the report shows the decimal places correct when viewed in the SmartList window, but the issue is only seen when exporting the reports into Excel, that would be different.
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