Hey all,
we've been implementing SharePoint into our Dynamics 365 CRM. Both on premise installations.
IFD for Dynamics is in place and fully functionable. The installation of a SharePoint 2019 farm went without any issues.
Integration of both systems also worked like a charm.
Now the weird thing...
There is exactly one user account that can successfully view the documents iFrame in CRM.
Every other user account gets the following error while trying to access the documents:
Which means "Error - Something went wrong while interacting with SharePoint".
Going deeper into that issue, I've checked the event log on the CRM front end server which shows the following information:
Request information:
Request URL: internalcrm.xxx.xxx:443/.../areas.aspx
Request path: /ORG/userdefined/areas.aspx
User host address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Is authenticated: True
Authentication Type: Federation
Thread account name: EURA\svc_XXX
Now this lets assume that this specific user dos not have access rights to information above, which is NOT true.
The user accounts that have been tested both have access to Dynamics and the SharePoint site that's successfully (?) integrated into Dynamics.
The really weird thing is that there is only one user account that does not run into this error and can interact perfectly fine with SharePoint.
This account is nothing special (besides it's mine ;-)...).
I have tried everything that the internet and my expertise offers, but I still lack the right amount of enlightment to get this one running properly :-D...
Any ideas :-)?