Greetings again.
Found myself with another sticky issue.
In our Testing environment we ran several invoicing tests, however, if I move from one invoice to another in the electronic invoice journal I get the following error:
"There is an unclosed literal string. Line 1, position 961."
I researched extensively that error, and came to understand that it refers to a string literal which has not been closed in the XML document. Hence, I opened an invoice XML sample and began to manually observe both the contents and structure within the file to seek for any of the following:
Missing double quotes at the end of each string literal
Multiline strings that are not concatenated properly
Or, unescaped double quotes inside each string literal
So far I was not able to identify any missing double quotes, improperly concatenated strings, and/or unescaped double quotes in the XML document.
The error indicates where the possible, faulty literal string is located, but I need to know how to interpret it.
Or, providing other solutions to that problem.
Please, your help would be mostly appreciated.