I would like to capture the database log for any changes (insert, update, delete, and rename)
- main account
- Financial dimensions
- Financial dimensions set
- configure account structures
Hence, i have selected the tablename, Dimension set, Dimension code, main account and segments and allows values under General ledge. However, the result is not my expectation. It seems to capture all general journals.
Please advise how to configure the database log setup
You ignored my reply, but it seems that this is indeed the same topic as in your other thread. Let's continue there and abandon this thread, because discussing the same thing at two places just make everything more complicated.
Please advise how to configure the database log setup
You must be wrong - neither Dimension set, Dimension code, Main account nor Segments represent general journals. You likely have a DB log for journals, but that's not related to your current setup.
You'll need to describe your actual problem to us before we can help you. But I see you have a similar thread: Please advise database log. If it's about the same problem, let's not duplicate the discussion. Let's do it there and abandon this thread, because there you seem to have a better description.
By the way, please don't prefix titles of your threads with Please advise. A title should be a short description of the thread's topic and Please advise doesn't add any value there.
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