We are running a local deployment of GP 2018 on SQL Server 2014 with each user running a local install of GP.
So here is an odd one. Our AR specialist created a payment under the national account and went to apply it to three invoices from three different child accounts. The payment was applied but something glitched in the process. We had to run check links and the payment record was removed and the invoices themselves all show as unpaid. However, from the apply payment window when creating a new payment under the national account the invoices do not show in the window and the payment can not be applied.
We ran the vendor reconcile tool on both the national account and the child account with no errors or fixes. We also ran checklinks again with no errors.
We created another invoice for the child account and this invoice does show up to be checked in the apply payments window.
I looked at both invoices in the RM20101, RM10101, GL2000, MC020102, RM00401 tables and the transactions attributes are all identical. Is there a different table I should be looking at. I ignored the SOP and IV tables.
The check links removed the payment record from the RM Apply Open File table, RM Distribution Work file and the RM Key File. There is no record of the payment as i ran a script searching for the payment number with no records returned.
I know the easiest fix is to just have them void and recreate the invoices, but curiosity has gotten the better of me and I want to know why this is occurring.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.