Hi all,
I struggle to get workflow to process correctly following scenario. The workflows designed as 2-stage approval, trigerred by record change (Item card). First it needs to be reviewed by the group 1 members (technology and planing) and ANY group member can pass it to the 2nd stage (finance group). The members of the second groups should be notified only after the group1 has passed it on to them.
I can get it working fine with 1-stage setup, when any member of Group1 can approve it and it (this has been good guidance https://community.dynamics.com/nav/b/dynamicsnavcloudfronts/archive/2017/11/06/approval-workflow-using-workflow-user-group-in-microsoft-dynamics-nav)
But if I set it following this logic for this 2-stage group approval, it is stumbling in the second stage...
This is the setup I'm using. Group1 has 3 members, group2 has 2 members. This is set as ONE workflow group with 3 members on sequence 1 level and 2 members on Sequence2 level in this workflow group.
Workflow is triggered fine.
Approval Entry table is updated with records of the Group1 members, they get notified.
If anyone approves it, *4th line of the workflow with the filter on sequence no.1, there are additonal approval entries created for the two memebrs of the group 2, they get notified.
But in the second stage, when one of them approves, the approval record does not get approved for the other member...basically they both have to approve for their approval entry to be cleared from the list of those to be handled, but the record itself does NOT get the new values applied.
What I'm not certain about are the filters set in the workflow... It seem to work with the first stage (filtering for the sequence 1, ie. group 1 there and the number of pending approvals lower then total number of members in the workflow group.
I'm not certain if I'm not missing anything with the indentation in the workflow, do not really see what it is for and whether different indentation levels somehow control what workflow step gets executed first..
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