I'm not sure how to express my needs except by explaining what I'm attempting to accomplish, please bear with me.
I am an assistant at the office I work in. Part of my role is to help build, maintain, and better tools for our staff to use to make their jobs easier, faster, or more efficient. One of the tools we need desperately is a dynamic reminder. I've built an Excel book for the data management purpose. It contains names, event dates, and a specific event title. Our employees need to be reminded of when these events expire, who the event is for, and what the contents of the event include. Under current operations, VBA will elect an item from the Excel workbook that is within a certain time from right now. VBA takes some data from the Excel workbook and sticks it into an email sent to whichever specific employee belongs to that elected item. My needs are met until this point under my current circumstances with Excel and Outlook. Once the employee receives the email sent from the VBA macro, I need them to answer with highly specific strings, literal "yes", literal "no" and a variation of "maybe". This is difficult because not all of my coworkers are technologically inclined. Most have difficulty with routine operation of a computer. To limit specific responses I originally wanted to create a form via Outlook Forms. I can collect response strings from my coworkers under my current circumstances. Chasing Outlook Forms rapidly spiraled out of my capabilities and I've concluded that I am incapable of pursuing that avenue any further, hence why I am here.
On the other side of this explanation, the rub is such:
I have need to send highly specific information (which is variable), to a specific person on a specific date (both of which are variable). I need to package my survey or form or what have you with this specific information from an Excel workbook, including the contact which the form is destined. (This part appears to be extremely easy. Customer Voice appears to have contact import options, including from Excel). The major difficulty I'm running into is figuring out how to get my data from Excel into a form for a specific person, with specific wording, and to fire it on a specific date (which is variable), without any human interaction to cause any of this to happen. Once my coworker has answered my form/survey, I then need to be able to automatically collect this data in order to answer a yes or no question automatically.
Am I barking up the right tree or am I better off spending my energy working on my current tool?