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KSA e-invoicing QR code generation using X++

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Dear experts,
I am working on Saudi e-invoicing QR code generation.
To generate QR code, below steps involved
1. Convert Seller, VAT, amounts details to hexadecimal format
2. Create TLV format to converted Hexadecimal values
3. Convert TLV string to Base64
4. Create QR code to Base64
Till step 2 I am able to achieved but converting TLV string to Bse64 I am unable to achieved.
I wrote below code to convert string to Base but not able to achieve desired result: 
        tlvstR = tlvstr + tlvstr2 +tlvstr3 +tlvstr4 +tlvstr5;
        // tlvstr = hex;
        // convert string to stream
        System.Text.Encoding    encodingUTF8;
        encodingUTF8 = System.Text.Encoding::get_UTF8();
        Byte[] bytes = encodingUTF8.GetBytes(tlvstr);
        memoryStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(bytes);
        qrCodeBase64 = System.Convert::ToBase64String(memoryStream.ToArray());
Lets assume I have TLV value is 010c426f62732
Actual Base64 converted value: NTA2MTcyNjE3MzY4NzU3MjYxNkQ=
Expected Base64 converted value: AQxCB2JZlFJIY29yZHMCDzMxMDEy
Please advice where I am doing mistake and how I should get the expected Base64 values
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,817 Most Valuable Professional on at
    KSA e-invoicing QR code generation using X++
    By the way, please look at your older threads. You're getting replies and you don't respond to people who're trying to help you. Please react to them and verify answers when you get them. If you don't know that you should verify answers or how, please refer to Suggested and verified forum answers.
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,817 Most Valuable Professional on at
    KSA e-invoicing QR code generation using X++
    Where did you get the expected value? It looks wrong to me. I tried and got a different result: MDEwYzQyNmY2MjczMg==.
    Your expected value can't be decoded to anything meaningful.
    Your "actual" value encodes 5061726173687572616D, which doesn't match your alleged input.
    By the way, the step where you take a byte array, put it into a stream and then convert the stream back to a byte array doesn't look useful to me.

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