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Where are the Hub's Site Map Group and Subarea Descriptions Used?

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in the site map of any hub you can enter the title of an Area, Group, or Subarea in multiple languages and that language specific title will be used when the User has the same language set in their setup.  I can also set a language specific description for the Area, Group, and Subarea, but where does the description appear for the User?

  • RE: Where are the Hub's Site Map Group and Subarea Descriptions Used?


    I understand that I can have one Title and one Description per language.  I can see that the Title changes language based on the User's selected language, but where do the Users see the Description?  The Description does not appear in the hover text, so where is it displayed for the User to see?

  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,056 on at
    RE: Where are the Hub's Site Map Group and Subarea Descriptions Used?

    Hi Jim,

    If your organization uses multiple languages, select a language for the description, enter the description for the group, and then select Add pastedimage1651218899551v2.png. You can create, edit, or delete descriptions for as many languages as your organization uses. However, you can have only one description per language.

    You can find the following statement in SiteMap schema.

    Descriptions appear in Microsoft CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook and Microsoft CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook with Offline Access clients.

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