I've noticed a strange change in our response codes of the Dynamics ODATA API.
We are trying to create a tax exempt number, but the response codes are different per environment, see in the overview below.
- DEV, Tier 1, error 400
- TST, Tier 1, error 400
- CONFIG, Tier 2, error 400
- UAT, Tier 2, error 500
- PRD, Production, error 500
We send the below data to the below URL:
[BASE URL]/data/VATNumTables
"dataAreaId": "XXXX",
"VATNum": "NL001.001ABC",
"CountryRegionId": "NLD"
Yielding this error 500:
or error 400:
Now the 'VATNum' is wrong indeed. But this is why we expect a 400 error instead of a 500 (server) error.
Maybe important to note: UAT gave a 400 error, until PRD was move to UAT earlier this week. Could something in the configuration of Dynamics be a problem?
All environments are on the same version: 10.0.33.
On a final note, this issue is not only related to VATNumTables but also to CustomerBankAccounts
Hopefully I provided enough information, as we are a bit lost here.