I am running into a problem when trying to update/assign the ownerid to a team id for CUSTOM entities only. It is nto problem when I do this to an Account or Contact entity, but when I try the same calls for a custom entity, I get a 400 message. This only occurs when updating the ownerid for the custom entity. i am able to update the other custom entity fields without issue if I omit the owner id.
This works for an Account entity:
URI: myorg.crm.dynamics.com/.../accounts(1a265a19-76cb-eb11-bacc-0022481d07ab)
"accountnumber": "12",
"name": "Account Name",
"telephone1": "3331234567",
"emailaddress1": "demo@myorg.us",
"new_mbaccountrep": "Rep",
"new_accounttype": "100000001",
"statuscode": 1,
"primarycontactid@odata.bind": "contacts(f4154341-44cb-eb11-bacc-0022481e3102)",
"ownerid@odata.bind": "teams(d9653907-c799-eb11-b1ac-000d3a9dfae9)"
However, the same type of lookup on a custom entity fails:
URI: myorg.crm.dynamics.com/.../new_entities(1a265a19-76cb-eb11-bacc-0022481d07ab)
"new_format": "Format",
"new_frequency": "Frequency",
"new_inactivewarning": false,
"new_myorgid": "12",
"new_name": "Name",
"new_publicationid": "1a265a19-76cb-eb11-bacc-0022481d07ab",
"ownerid@odata.bind": "teams(d9653907-c799-eb11-b1ac-000d3a9dfae9)"
Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL: https://myorg.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.0/new_publications(1a265a19-76cb-eb11-bacc-0022481d07ab)?$select=createdon
If I leave out the ownerid, it works just fine:
URI: myorg.crm.dynamics.com/.../new_entities(1a265a19-76cb-eb11-bacc-0022481d07ab)
"new_format": "Format",
"new_frequency": "Frequency",
"new_inactivewarning": false,
"new_myorgid": "12",
"new_name": "Name",
"new_publicationid": "1a265a19-76cb-eb11-bacc-0022481d07ab"
Is there some setting or security constraint that needs to be adjust?