Hello Community
My first post here and not 100% sure its the correct forum - so please bear with me if it's not the case
On our corporate websites we're embedding a range of D365 forms across general contact and marketing campaign pages - being in the EU (located in DK) we need to ask users for their cookie consent. This we're handling by implementing a 3rd part Cookie solution.
My question is:
When a user visits a page in which we have placed a Dynamics form (using embedded JS) there's apparently placed several cookies on the client, even just loading the page (see screen shot below).
All other cookies are controlled via Google Tag Manager - and thus the users can decide what type of cookies they want to allow (Functional, Statistical, Marketing) - that is except these D365 form cookies.
Thanks for your comments and recommendations
Best regards
Kenneth Kjær
Web Manager
Hi, im not using a Marketing Page within 365M. Im simply adding the Form DIV as an iframe and placing the form script in my website page header. The form loader should not stop the cookie consent. Here is an earlier post i made:
These 2 cookies i added as strictly necessary as they have to do with form submission data only:
msd365mkttr, msd365mkttrs
These 2 are the other cookies that get placed and have to do with tracking. I have classified these as tracking cookies. Although no personal info is obtained, we need to give the option for a visitor just to submit a form and have a right not to be tracked if they so specify.
This means we would only receive form submission data and scoring points associated with it. All additional scoring for future page visits would not be tracked if disabled.
319af4c0-e197-4de9-8a9b-fe98c8a2ca04, 79f08280-5c63-4331-b04d-fb6f39afda51
Hi Chris King!
We are working with a client that also uses OneTrust on their Website and we did embed a marketing form from D365 Marketing on it.
Unfortunately our client found out that they can not use their cookie banner from OneTrust on the marketing form since it got not the same domain as the website
Then I was just wondering, since a lot of people in EU have the requirement with the cookie consent, thus did you ran in any issues regarding cookie banner consent/tracking and dynamics marketing forms?
Hi Kenneth.
Im just about ready to fully test this functionality from OneTrust and disable All cookies except strictly necessary. I have connected our MS DEV to my web stage site and will shortly make some form submissions.
I have actually tested myself by making form submissions from a browser with all cookies disabled. There was no problem submitting the form data but the tracking script was disabled. That means no additional scoring points were added for additional web page visits.
I am expecting the same behavior with the cookie consent tool, if so it is something we just have to live with. We need to except a persons right not to be tracked. However, if they accept our cookies which im guessing 90% will, it might not be such a hugh issue.
I will post my results and share here as soon as i can!
Hi Kenneth DHI
We did embed a external form on our own website too! (We are based in Austria, thus we need that contacts accept that cookies are used)
Now the department for cookie management said they cant use their cookie banner (which is neccessary in order to track the submissions, after the visitor accepts it), used for the whole website, since the embedded marketing form has not the domain or subdomain of our website).
How did you manage the scenario with a 3rd party cookie banner and a embeded marketing form?
Hi Kenneth,
Did you ever get an good answer about the 79f tracking cookie? Like you said, this is set by the form with the purpose of tracking further activities such as web page visits tracking/scoring.
I'm currently setting up the One Trust cookie consent and have the same questions.
After my one trust scan i see 4 cookies for Microsoft. However, when using edge, in-congnito, turning off all cookies and even block cookies on my site and .dynamics.com i am stil able to see
the 319a and the 719f08 cookies both on a page with an embedded form or with a page with website tracking script. If we do not make these "strictly necessary" will the forms still submit the data if they get disabled.
I can live with the fact any further web activites are not matched up unless another form submission is made. Thats the whole point of GDPR. The right to refuse to be tracked.
I noticed on your website when setting "strictly necessary only" Your contact form is not visible. Is this an embedded 365 Marketing form?
Chris King
Hi Kenneth,
I would advise you to create a ticket, as your questions require more technical knowledge than I have.
Thank you for your reply Elena - very helpful :)
So both cookies mentioned here and highlighted in yellow on my screenshot above, are set by the contact form hence a Dynamics marketing form (embedded JS) - this is a fact.
Parallel the Dynamics marketing website tracking script is also set, but controlled via GTM (if the user allows statistic cookies) through the domain cookie for www.dhigroup.com - which basically gives the user the option to disallow the website tracking - yet apparently it seems like we're setting a marketing cookie anyways via the marketing form, thus disregarding users choices if I understand you correctly.
What I'm trying to understand is:
Thank you in advance!
Best regards
Hi Kenneth,
The “78f08280-…” cookie is a Marketing one – its being dropped if you use marketing form or marketing website tracking script on your page.
The “visid_incap” belongs to community portal (community.dynamics.com/).
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