I noticed this method on a table I'm working with and I'm wondering if it is possible to get the record currently in the 'dataSource'. I've run 'isFormDataSource' on the same table and it is true.
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I noticed this method on a table I'm working with and I'm wondering if it is possible to get the record currently in the 'dataSource'. I've run 'isFormDataSource' on the same table and it is true.
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check out this axcalated.blogspot.com/.../looping-through-forms-datasource.html
it will show you how to loop through a forms data source along with looping through any selected records
Table.datasource().cursor() will return Table.
So your question does not make sense as such.
Can you explain what you are trying to do?
Hey Brad,
formdatasource.cursor() should be what you want.
How do you get the record out of FormDataSource?
You have to declare a FormDataSource variable and assign with this.dataSource(), like :
FormDataSource formDataSource;
formDataSource = this.dataSource();
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