RE: Linking Project transactions to General Ledger transactions
I just wanted to put some information out here.
It is possible to tie the Project subledger (ProjTransPosting) to the General Ledger (GeneralJournalEntry(GJE)/GeneralJournalAccountEntry(GJAE))
You can do this by going GJE -> GJAE -> DimensionAttributeValueCombination -> MainAccount1
Then GJE -> ProjTransPosting -> DimensionAttributeValueCombination -> MainAccount2
Then relate GJAE to GJE via GJAE.GeneralJournalEntry.
Then relate ProjTransPosting to GJE via ProjTransPosting.Voucher = GJE.SubledgerVoucher AND ProjTransPosting.LedgerTransDate = GJE.AccountingDate
You then have to relate MainAccount2.MainAccountId = MainAccount1.MainAccountId. This will make sure you are linking to the correct accounts.
I have tested this and it successfully allows you to break out the GL Summarization into individual transactions from the Project subledger.
In my situation this helps some but not completely. We have so many project transactions, that one single GJE voucher transaction could translate to thousands of individual project transactions.
I hope this helps!