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Microsoft Dynamics AX forum

w3wp.exe process now find in attach to process while do the debugger

Posted on by 630

Hi all,

I am trying to debugging in ssrs report while try to debugging i am not able to find w3wp.exe process in attach to process.

  • Rahul.p Profile Picture
    Rahul.p 630 on at
    RE: w3wp.exe process now find in attach to process while do the debugger

    Thanks all for give me support.

  • Suggested answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,148 on at
    RE: w3wp.exe process now find in attach to process while do the debugger

    Please check that service World Wide Web Publishing Service is running. If not, start it.

    If it's not running, D365 doesn't work at all, so it's not just preventing the debugging.

  • Rahul.p Profile Picture
    Rahul.p 630 on at
    RE: w3wp.exe process now find in attach to process while do the debugger

    I am running in IIS. I want to do debugging in Vendorlistbasic report for that while i go to "attach to process" option and try to find w3wp.exe process, i am not able to find w3wp.exe process.

    So please tell me how find w3wp.exe process and any other way to do the debugger



  • Verified answer
    nmaenpaa Profile Picture
    nmaenpaa 101,148 on at
    RE: w3wp.exe process now find in attach to process while do the debugger

    You should attach to iisexpress.exe if you are running a MS hosted Sandbox Tier 1 environment.

  • Verified answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 225,864 Super User on at
    RE: w3wp.exe process now find in attach to process while do the debugger

    Are you at the right machine? Are you actually running IIS and not IISExpress?

    Please don't let us guess anymore and tell us more about your situation.

  • Rahul.p Profile Picture
    Rahul.p 630 on at
    RE: w3wp.exe process now find in attach to process while do the debugger

    Yes,  i have ticked it



  • Suggested answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 225,864 Super User on at
    RE: w3wp.exe process now find in attach to process while do the debugger

    Make sure you've ticked "Show processes from all users".

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